Jharkhand Rajya Fasal Rahat Yojana Online Registration, Benefits, Eligibility, Required Documents

Jharkhand Rajya Fasal Rahat Yojana Online Registration, Purpose, Jharkhand State Crop Relief Scheme Benefits, Main Points of Jharkhand State Fasal Rahat Yojana, Benefit is Payable in Natural Calamities, Benefit Not Payable in Calamities, Jharkhand Rajya Fasal Rahat Yojana Required Documents, Customer Care Number.

Jharkhand Rajya Fasal Yojana 2023 has been launched by the Jharkhand State Government. in place of Fasal Bima yojana, the government have started this scheme. under the Jharkhand Rajya Fasal Yojana, the financial assistance will be given by the government to the landowners/ farmers to compensate for the crops damage due to the drought, natural calamities, excessive rain, storm hailstorm etc. This scheme is for all the Jharkhand state citizens. this scheme will provide the security to your crop.

Jharkhand Rajya Fasal Rahat Yojana

The Chief Minister of Jharkhand Hemant Soren have started this Jharkhand State Crop Relief Scheme for the state farmers benefit. the financial assistance will be provided only if the crops gets damaged due to natural calamity. if the farmer have taken the loan in relation to agriculture then their loan will also be forgiven. A budget of Rs. 200 crore has been passed by the govt to implement this scheme successfully.

Under the Crop Relief Scheme, the Farmers do not have to pay any kind of Crop insurance premium. the government will provide them financial assistance in case of direct crop damage. all eligible farmers can visit to the official website of the jrfry.jharkhand.gov.in to apply for this scheme.

Assistance ranging from Rs.3000/- per acre to Rs.4000/- per acre on crop damage.

Overview of the Jharkhand Rajya Fasal Rahat Scheme

Name of the SchemeJharkhand State Crop Relief Scheme
Commencement Date2022
ProfitAssistance on Crop Damage ranging from Rs. 3000 to Rs. 4000 per acre
Nodal DepartmentAgriculture, Animal Husbandry and Cooperation Department, Government of Jharkhand
Application SystemOnline Jharkhand State Crop Relief Scheme Portal

About the Jharkhand State Crop Relief Scheme

  • Jharkhand state Crop Relief scheme is launched by the Jharkhand government for the benefits of the state farmers.
  • It is operated by the department of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and cooperation of the Jharkhand Government.
  • The farmers crops gets destroyed in Jharkhand state many times because of any accident or natural calamity.
  • This scheme will impact deep in the lives and earnings of farmers.
  • Under this scheme, the state farmers will be provided the benefit of financial asisstance by the government if their crop gets destroyed due to any accident or natural calamity.
  • And the financial assistance in the Jharkhand state crop relief yojana depends on the damage caused to the crop.
  • On the basis of farmer’s crop percentage the financial assistance will be given, Financial assistance of Rs. 3000 per acre will be provided for the crop loss up to 20%, and this is the minimum.
  • If the the crop failure is above 86 percent, which is the maximum, then the Financial assistance of Rs. 4000 per acre will be provided.
  • And for this benefit only small or marginal farmers are eligible.

Purpose of Jharkhand Fasal Rahat Yojana

There are various purpose of initiating this scheme such as: –

  • If the crop of farmer gets damaged due to any accident like natural calamity then the financial assistance will be provided to them.
  • This scheme will movie the agricultural work and also increase the income of farmers.

Jharkhand State Crop Relief Scheme Benefits

Crop Damage PercentageAmount
Up to 20 percent3000 per acre
21 percent to 25 percent3,075 per acre
26 percent to 30 percent3,150 per acre
31 percent to 35 percent3,225 per acre
36 percent to 40 percent3,300 per acre
41 percent to 45 percent3,375 per acre
46 percent to 50 percent3,425 per acre
51 percent to 55 percent3,500 per acre
56 percent to 60 percent3,575 per acre
61 percent to 65 percent3,625 per acre
66 percent to 70 percent3,700 per acre
71 percent to 75 percent3,775 per acre
76 percent to 80 percent3,825 per acre
81 percent to 85 percent3,900 per acre
Above 86 percent4,000 per acre

Eligibility Criteria

  • Jharkhand state small and marginal farmers.
  • Ryot farmers who cultivate their own land.
  • Famers who are doing farming on the govt land.
  • Non-ryot farmers who do agricultural work on other ryots land.
  • Farmer’s age should be 18+ years.

Non Eligible

If the farmer or his any family member comes under these following categories then they will not be able to get the benefit of this scheme: –

  • If a person is siting on the constitutional post current or was in the past.
  • Central or state government, present or former officer or employee.
  • Former or present office/employees bearers of PSUs.
  • Is a person is getting a pension which is more than Rs. 10,000.
  • If a person is income tax payer.
  • If a person is in the professions like architect, Engineer, Doctor, Chartered Accountant, Advocate then he is not eligible to take the advantage of this scheme.

Required Documents

  • Necessary documents for Ryot Farmers: – Land Title Certificate, Aadhar Card, Ryot Kisan Manifesto, Farmer’s Genealogy, Account Khatauni, Bank Account Details, Land Revenue Receipt.
  • Necessary documents for Bataidar/Non Raiyat Farmers: – Land Settlement Lease, Aadhar Card, Consent Letter of land Owner, non – raiyat/shareholder farmers declaration, Bank Account Details.

Jharkhand Rajya Fasal Rahat Yojana Online Registration

  • Firstly, farmers have to make their registration on the official portal.
  • Aadhaar number is necessary to make the registration.
  • Once you are done with your registration process, then, through the portal, the Login ID and Password will be sent to the applicant.
  • Applicant has to login either with their mobile number or with their same login id and password.
  • Then, provide your personal details and details related to the land.
  • And then, upload all the necessary documents.
  • Then, submit your application form.
  • After this submission of the appication form, the farmer will get the application number. this number have to keep safe.
  • The, the verfication will happen, and it all the details found corrent and the beneficiary farmer will get the financial assistance transferred into their account.

Main Points of Jharkhand State Fasal Rahat Yojana

  • Landless farmers as well as the land owner farmers are eligible to get the benefit of this Jharkhand State Crop Relief Scheme.
  • Under this, scheme, if any damage happens to the crops of the farmers then they will get the compensation on the basis of their damaged crop.
  • If the crop gets damaged due to natural accidents or natural calamities only then the farmer will be eligible to get the benefit of it.
  • Under this Jharkhand state crop relief scheme, the financial assistance will be provided only on the land minimum of 0.1 acre and up to a maximum of 5 acres.
  • Aadhaar card is mandatory to have in order to avail the benefits.
  • If the family members of the farmer is in the multi tasking staff post or group D or Group 4 in the govt department, then they are also eligible for this scheme.

Get the details that which type of crop loss will be considered for the compensation amount: –

  • Damage to crops kept for drying after harvesting.
  • Loss due to natural calamity during the period from sowing to harvesting.
  • due to natural calamity, the failure of sowing or transplating.
  • The nodal bank of this scheme, is jharkhand state cooperative bank.
  • Farmers will be provided the Benefit amount in their Bank Account through DBT.

Benefit is Payable in Natural Calamities

In the Jharkhand state crop relief scheme, the following types of natural calamities have been included: –

  • Hurricane,
  • Storm,
  • Landslide,
  • Drought or dry winds,
  • Torrential Rain,
  • Widespread Epidemic,
  • Volacanic Eruptions,
  • Flood and Water Logging,
  • Earthquake,
  • Tsunami,
  • Fire naturally,
  • Thunderclap,
  • Whirlwind,
  • Other Geological Processes.

Benefit Not Payable in Calamities

  • Malicious damage,
  • Damage due to nuclear or war hazards,
  • Damage through wild animals attack,
  • Cultivation in an unscientific manner by farmers.

Customer Care Number

  • Helpline number of Jharkhand State Crop Relief Scheme: – 18001231136.
  • Email ID of Jharkhand State Crop Relief Scheme: – jrfryhelpdesk@gmail.com.

Homepage of Our Website: – apyschemes.in

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