Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY)

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY) Overview, Objectives, Components Objectives, Scheme Elements, Scheme Time Frame, Targets.

Scheme Overview

  • The goal of PMKSY is to bring irrigation investments at the field level closer together.
  • The program covers all states and union territories, including the states in the northeast.
  • The National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA) of the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation. The Department of Land Resources’ Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP), the Department of Water Resources’ Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP), and the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation’s On Farm Water Management (OFWM) component are the amalgamating schemes that make up PMKSY.
  • The PMKSY will be executed using an area development model, utilizing projectized execution and decentralized state level planning. This will enable the states to create irrigation development plans based on district/block plans with a five- to seven-year timeframe. Projects based on the District/State Irrigation Plan may be undertaken by states.
  • The Hon. Prime Minister will chair the National Steering Committee (NSC) of PMKSY, which will provide policy direction to the program framework. Vice Chairman of NITI Aayog will chair the National Executive Committee (NEC), which will be in charge of overseeing program implementation at the national level.


The Main Goals of PMKSY Include: –

  • Converge irrigation investments at the field level by making water usage plans at the district &, if required, sub-district levels.
  • Improve the farm’s physical access to water and increase the amount of land that can be farmed with guaranteed irrigation (Har Khet ko pani).
  • Water maybe used most effectually by integrating its source, delivery, and efficient use via the application of suitable technology & practices.
  • Increase the efficiency of on-farm water use to decrease waste & boost availability in terms of duration & extent.
  • Increase the consumption of water-saving technologies like precision irrigation, which can produce more crops per drop.
  • Improve aquifer recharging and implement sustainable water-saving techniques.
  • Make sure that rainfed areas are developed in an integrated manner that conserves water and soil, regenerates groundwater, stops runoff, offers livelihood possibilities, and engages in other NRM activities. This can be achieved by utilizing the watershed approach.
  • courage farmers and field workers at the grassroots level to participate in extension programs on crop alignment, water harvesting, and water management.
  • Examine whether peri-urban agriculture can benefit from the reuse of treated municipal waste water.
  • Encourage more private funding for irrigation.

Components Objectives

The following are the components of the PMKSY program: –

Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP)

  • To concentrate on finishing ongoing major and medium irrigation projects, particularly national projects, more quickly.

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (Har Khet ko Pani)

  • Development of additional water sources (both surface and ground water) by minor irrigation
  • Water body maintenance, repair, and refurbishment; bolstering the carrying capacity of conventional water sources; building rainwater gathering structures (Jal Sanchay);
  • building, fortifying, and establishing a distribution network from the source to the farm;
  • Development of groundwater in locations with sufficient supplies creates sinks to hold runoff and floodwater during the heaviest part of the rainy season.
  • Enhancements to the water distribution and management infrastructure are necessary for water bodies to fully utilize the resource. Which is currently underutilized (getting advantages from low hanging fruit). The command area must have micro/precision irrigation covering at least 10% of it.
  • Lift irrigation from water bodies/rivers at lower elevation to supplement requirements beyond IWMP and MGNREGS, regardless of irrigation command. Diversion of water from sources of different locations where it is ample to nearby water shortage areas.
  • restoring and building traditional water storage systems in practical sites, such as Jal Mandir in Gujarat, Khatri and Kuhl in Himachal Pradesh, Zabo in Nagaland, Eri and Ooranis in Tamil Nadu, Dongs in Assam, Katas and Bandhas in Odisha and Madhya Pradesh, etc.
PMKSY (Per Drop More Crop)
  • Program administration, State/District Irrigation Plan creation, yearly action plan approval, monitoring, etc.
  • encouraging the use of drip irrigation, sprinklers, pivots, rain cannons, and other precise water application tools on farms (Jal Sinchn);
  • increase in input costs, especially under MGNREGS for civil construction operations such as lining inlets, outlets, silt traps, distribution systems, etc. Over the allowable maximum of forty percent.
  • Building micro irrigation structures—such as tube wells and dug wells—to support source creation activities in areas where groundwater is available and not under the semi-critical, critical, or overexploited development categories. These activities are not supported by AIBP, PMKSY (Har Khet ko Pani), PMKSY (Watershed), or MGNREGS as per block/district irrigation plans.
  • secondary storage buildings at the end of the canal system to store water for use during dry spells through efficient on-farm water management, either during the rainy season or from perennial sources such streams;
Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (Per Drop More Crop)
  • Devices for lifting water, such as subterranean piping systems and diesel, electric, or solar pumpsets, include water carrier pipelines.
  • Extension initiatives to support scientific moisture conservation and agronomic practices, such as crop alignment to maximize rainfall and minimize irrigation needs, are being promoted (Jal sarankchan);
  • Building capacity, providing training, and launching an awareness campaign that includes free publications, the use of pico projectors and inexpensive films are all part of a strategy to encourage potential users of water sources through managerial, agronomic, and technological advancements like community irrigation.
  • Only after receiving the necessary training, particularly in the areas of promoting scientific moisture conservation and agronomic measures, improved/innovative distribution systems like pipe and box outlet systems, etc. Will the extension workers be authorized to disseminate pertinent technologies under PMKSY. Master Trainers will be appropriate Domain Experts.
  • Information and communication technology (ICT) interventions through NeGP – A to be used for extensive monitoring of the Scheme as well as in the areas of crop alignment, precision irrigation technologies, on-farm water management, and water use efficiency.
 PMKSY (Watershed Development)
  • Efficient handling of runoff water and enhanced soil and moisture preservation techniques, include treating ridge areas, treating drainage lines 5, collecting rainwater, preserving moisture in situ, and more related actions on a watershed basis.
  • Working with MGNREGS to create a water source in designated underdeveloped rainfed blocks to the fullest extent possible, including renovating existing water features

Scheme Elements

Three main parts make up PMKSY, which is carried out by several ministries. They are listed below.

Department of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, Ministry of Jal Shakti

  • Component: – Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP)
  • Component: – Har Khet Ko Pani (HKKP)
  • Sub Component: – Surface Minor Irrigation (SMI)
  • Sub Component: – Ground Water Development
  • Sub Component: – Command Area Development (CAD)
  • Sub Component: – Repair, Renovation and Restoration (RRR) of Water Bodies

Department of Land Resources, Ministry of Rural Development

  • Component: – Watershed Development 

Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Department, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare

  • Component: – Per Drop More Crop

Scheme Time Frame

The Krishi Sinchayee Yojana will cost Rs. 50,000 crores and run for five years, from 2015–16 to 2019–20. The continuance of the Har Khet ko Paani (HKKP), Watershed Development. And Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP) has been approved for 2021–2026 with a budgetary outlay of Rs. 93,068 crore, including Rs. 37,454 crore in federal aid to the States.


Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme

  • 13.88 lakh hectares of extra irrigation potential are anticipated for creation between 2021 and 2026 under the AIBP. In addition to concentrating on finishing the 60 active projects, which includes developing a 30.23 lakh hectare command area, new projects will also be undertaken. The requirements for inclusion in projects under tribal and drought-prone areas have been loosened.
  • For two national projects—the Renukaji Dam Project in Himachal Pradesh and the Lakhwar Multipurpose Project in Uttarakhand—central money totaling 90% of the water component has been provided. The two projects will boost Delhi’s water supply as well as that of Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand. Haryana, Rajasthan, and the other six states in the upper Yamuna basin. They would also mark a significant step towards the regeneration of the Yamuna.

Har Khet Ko Pani (HKKP)

  • Under HKKP, an additional 4.5 lakh hectares of irrigation are intended to be provided through surface minor irrigation. And the PMKSY component of repair, rehabilitation, and restoration of water bodies.
  • Given the significance of restoring water bodies, there should be a paradigm shift in the way that financing for this work is allocated in both urban and rural areas. With a large expansion of the inclusion criteria and an increase in central support from 25% to 60% in general.
  • The HKKP’s ground water component, which is tentatively approved for 2021–2022, aims to create 1.52 lakh hectares of potential for irrigation.

Watershed Development

  • Finalizing approved projects including 49.5 lakh hectares of degraded and rainfed land in order to add an extra 2.5 lakh hectares of protected irrigation,
  • The program includes a special provision for the creation of springsheds.

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